Friday, April 2, 2010

Season 7, Episode 11: Sew Much Pressure

Oh my word! Project Runway was awesome this week. So many twists and turns. First off, Maya, backed out of the competition. Sad. She was good, but I understand her reasoning. After that long good-buy to Anthony last week, HE IS BACK. It is shorta like Jesus being raised from the dead...Anthony is back! JK, lol, but just a fun thought.

The challenge this week was to design a dress for Heidi to wear on the red carpet. Oh man. Here is my review:
{least favorite outfit award} designer, jonathan

{outfit I would wear award} designer, anthony

{beautifully constructed award} designer, emilio

{most creative award}
I don't really have a creative award. The others were just weird.

Must I say that I am supper excited that Jonathon is gone. I wish he would have gone home before Amy though. I never really liked anything he designed. Here is the updated graphic, check it out!

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