Tuesday, November 24, 2009

What I am thankful for entry #4

I am thankful for the personal spiritual leaders God has brought into my life!

I am thankful for our next door neighbors, Jim and Ellen Heeney (I didn't have a picture of them, so this is a picture of their 2 sons! Sorry boys hope you don't mind representing your parents, i got it off facebook):

David and I have a bible study with our awesome next door neighbors, Jim and Ellen once a week. We are learning about all of God's covenants. It is the deepest bible study I have done. I am thankful for Jim and Ellen because they are God's workman helping and showing David and I how to be more like Christ as we dig into God's word together each week! What a blessing they are to my life, thank you Jim and Ellen.

I am also thankful for the fabulous Laurie Van Cura:
Laurie and I meet about every week (at starbucks! yum!) and encourage, listen, and pray for each other. We always remind each other that whatever is going on with our life, we know that the Lord is in control. There had been tears shed and many laughs to be heard with this relationship! Thank you, Laurie, for being my mentor! You are appreciated.

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