Sunday, November 14, 2010

An early new years resolution

photo source
I decided to make a new years resolution, starting today. 
Let me explain. I sent my Mom's birthday card on Friday, November 12. Her birthday was the NEXT day Saturday, November 13. COME ON...this is not email, Judy, it takes a couple of DAYS to get from one mailbox to the other!
I am so disappointed in myself, I honestly can't think of one birthday card that arrived on time in the year 2010. So sad.

The resolution:
In the year 2011, I will put forth every effort to get birthday cards out early or on time.

How am I going to do this you ask? I have a couple of ideas that I am excited to implement this year:
  1. Make a list of all the birthdays I need to remember 
  2. Put all the birthdays in my phone under their contact and have my phone remind me a week in advance (I don't know if this is possible, but David will help me figure it out. Maybe there is a phone app for this)
  3. Start buying birthday cards in advance to have on hand, so when I remember, I will have a bunch purchased (or made by me, a designer. Go figure, what a thought...maybe making birthday cards is a good resolution for next year if this one goes well)
That is all the ideas I can think of right now. How do you do it? Do you have any great ideas you want to share with me?
Can't wait to hear your resolutions! Lets see how I do with this one :) 
Cute colorful mailboxes to keep us all inspired to use them more, esp. for birthday cards:

-simply JUDY BLIGH


  1. Ugh...I SOOO need this same resolution! Jeff and I are TERRIBLE with getting cards and gifts out to our relatives!
    Thanks for the inspiration! :-)

  2. g mail will remind on the calendar have them repeat each year and remind they are coming a week in advance!
